Agile Assassination
By bigenemy000 · May 2022Back to puzzles

Before moving, deal 2 damage for each friendly unit to a single random bordering enemy unit. If that unit dies, move towards its tile instead

On play, command bordering friendly units forward

On play, deal 4 damage to non‑Dragon units in front

Disable a target unit’s ability, then deal 2 damage

Kill Lady Rime this turn.
The following restrictions apply:
- RNG-friendly: All RNG goes in your favor.
- Agile Warriors (in hand) benefits from the Temple of the Mind effect.
Spoilers! Click here to reveal the solution.
Conflicted Drakes are played on B1, damaging both Beards of Crowglyph and Lady Rime, causing Beards of Crowglyph to generate a token unit either on the left or right side.
Then Forgotten Souls are played on A2 or C2 (based on where the token unit spawned) making Beards of Crowglyph attack Lady Rime and damage it by 9.
Then Agile Warriors are played on B2, damaging Lady Rime with their ability and then dealing her the final blow.
Demotivation Strike in hand and the Temple of the Mind effect were merely here to cause confusion.
- How to play?
- Puzzles are not actually playable, like a real Stormbound game would. The puzzle showcases a static snapshot of a game, and it’s up to you to figure out which moves would need to be played in order to solve the puzzle.
- Is it really solvable?
- This puzzle was designed by bigenemy000 in May 2022. If you believe the aforementioned solution does not work for any reason, please reach out to the author or Kitty on Discord.