Update 05-2024
By Aileen · Official · 05/2024Back to releases
Hello, Stormbounders! A new version of Stormbound is coming in May, bringing balance changes, Event of Magic and the Event of Ancients!
Balance changes
This release, just like any other, will bring some balance changes.
- Tode the Elevated’s ability made to gain 3/4/5/6/7 strength (up from 2/3/4/5/6).
- Absorbing Varmints’ ability made to deal 4/5/5/6/6 damage (up from 2/3/3/4/4).
- Bounded Daemons’ strength is now 5/6/7/8/9 (up from 4/5/5/6/7).
- The Hearth‘s strength is now 4/4/5/5/6 (up from 3/4/4/5/6), and the ability made to give 2/3/3/4/5 strength (up from 2/2/3/3/4).
- Reckless Rushers’ mana is now 4 (instead of 3), and the strength is now 2/3/4/5/6 (instead of 1/2/3/4/5).
- Acid Greenhorns‘ ability made to poison 2/3/4/5/6 surrounding units (instead of 1/2/3/4/All).
- Underground Spring‘s ability made to remove 1/1-2/2/2/2 strength from itself and give it to your base (instead of 1/1-2/2/2-3/3), and the strength is now 5/6/7/8/9 (instead of 4/5/7/8/10).
As usual, some compensation in the form of coins and fusion stones will be provided to owners of Acid Greenhorns, Underground Spring, and Reckless Rushers, proportional to the level and rarity of the card. Find below the compensation values for each rarity and level.
Rare card:
15 coins and
2 fusion stones at level 2,
30 coins and
3 fusion stones at level 3,
90 coins and
7 fusion stones at level 4,
190 coins and
10 fusion stones at level 5.
Epic card:
15 coins and
2 fusion stones at level 2,
40 coins and
5 fusion stones at level 3,
120 coins and
10 fusion stones at level 4,
250 coins and
20 fusion stones at level 5.
Event of Magic
The Event of Magic in Stormbound starts on May 15th, 2024, and ends on May 20th, 2024, 9:00 AM CEST.

Magic Gift
During the event, everyone will receive a gift of 200 coins. To grab the gift, just redeem a special code, which is valid from May 15th, 2024, until May 20th, 2024, 9:00 AM CEST.
To activate the code, follow these simple steps:
- Navigate to Game Options in the top-right corner of the main menu screen.
- Tap the “Redeem code” button.
- Enter the code and tap “Claim” to confirm.

Note: You can only redeem this code from May 15th, 2024, until May 20th, 2024 (9:00 AM CEST). If you experience any problems with activating the code, please contact @Aileen on Discord or email contact@stormboundgames.com for assistance.
More Coins
During the event, all coin gains and the coin cap will be doubled, except for quests.
More Cards
Additionally, Book of Magic and Book of Constructs will yield 2 extra cards for the duration of the event in the Store, starting from May 15th, 2024 and ends on May 20th, 2024, 9:00 AM CEST.
Like most events, there will be a one-time-only special offer for people willing to put some money into the game. The Mighty Magic exclusive pack with Tode the Wizard avatar will be available in the store throughout the event.
Event of Ancients
The Event of Ancients in Stormbound starts on May 27th, 2024, and ends on June 3rd, 2024, 9:00 AM CEST.

Event Gift
During the event, everyone will receive a gift of 200 coins. To grab the gift, just redeem a special code, which is valid from May 27th, 2024, until June 3rd, 2024, 9:00 AM CEST.
To activate the code, follow these simple steps:
- Navigate to Game Options in the top-right corner of the main menu screen.
- Tap the “Redeem code” button.
- Enter the code and tap “Claim” to confirm.

Note: You can only redeem this code from May 27th, 2024, until June 3rd, 2024 (9:00 AM CEST). If you experience any problems with activating the code, please contact @Aileen on Discord or email contact@stormboundgames.com for assistance.
More Cards
Additionally, Book of Ancients and Book of Temples will yield 2 extra cards for the duration of the event in the Store, starting from May 27th, 2024 and ends on May 20th, 2024, 9:00 AM CEST.
Like most events, there will be a one-time-only special offer for people willing to put some money into the game. The Mighty Ancients exclusive pack with Siro the Resurrector avatar will be available in the store throughout the event.
- When is the update going to be released?
The season reset and balance changes update is coming on May 1st, 2024.
Please find below a detailed list of the event:- Event of Magic: May 15th – May 20th, 2024 (9:00).
- Special Gift Code: May 15th – May 20th, 2024 (9:00).
- Extra Cards (Book of Magic & Book of Constructs): May 15th – May 20th, 2024 (9:00).
- More Coins: May 15th – May 20th, 2024 (9:00).
- Mighty Magic offer: May 15th – May 20th, 2024 (9:00)
- Event of Ancients: May 27th – June 3rd, 2024 (9:00)
- Special Gift Code: May 27th – June 3rd, 2024 (9:00)
- Extra Cards (Book of Ancients & Book of Temples): May 27th – June 3rd, 2024 (9:00).
- Mighty Ancients offer: May 27th – June 3rd, 2024 (9:00).
All times are expressed using a 24-hour clock in CEST (Central European Summer Timezone).